
Teamsters Appeal Binding Arbitration Order     
"These decisions, if left unchallenged, set a dangerous precedent where a single politician can bust a union at will. The right to collectively bargain is a constitutional guarantee. Without it, unions lose leverage to negotiate better wages and safer working conditions for all Canadians. We are confident that the law is on our side, and that workers will have their voices heard," said Paul Boucher, President, Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.
Rail Workers Ordered Back to Work    
“This decision by the CIRB sets a dangerous precedent. It signals to Corporate Canada that large companies need only stop their operations for a few hours, inflict short-term economic pain, and the federal government will step in to break a union. The rights of Canadian workers have been significantly diminished today,” said Paul Boucher, President of the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.
Member Update - Lockout/Strike Position   

As you are all aware, on August 22nd Labour Minister MacKinnon issued referrals under Section 107 of the Canada Labour Code for all 3 affected TCRC Bargaining Committees (CPKC Running Trades, RCTC and CN Running Trades). To quote the documents, he has directed the CIRB to; (i) order (CPKC & CN) to resume operations and employees to resume their duties; (ii) assist the parties in reaching a settlement of the outstanding terms of their collective agreement by imposing final binding interest arbitration to resolve outstanding terms of the collective agreement; (iii) extend the term of the existing collective agreements until the new collective agreements are determined by the arbitrator.     

Statement on Strike Notice to CN   

To protect workers' right to collectively bargain and frustrate CN's attempt to force arbitration, the union will take strike action to pressure CN into negotiating an agreement.

Strike Notice to CN Rail  

The TCRC has served Strike Notice to CN Rail at 09:52 eastern time, August 23rd.

Teamsters Take Down Picket Lines CN; CPKC Work Stoppage Ongoing 

Montréal, August 23, 2024 – The lockout at CN now over, the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference has taken down picket lines at CN. Workers will begin returning to work on Friday.

Teamsters Statement

August 22, 2024 - Today, federal Labour Minister MacKinnon referred rail negotiations to the CIRB for binding arbitration. The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference will review the Minister's referral and the CIRB's response, consulting with legal counsel to determine the next steps. Meanwhile, picket lines remain in place.

CN has notified us they are locking out our membership

August 21, 2024 - After a several long days, CN has continued not to bargain in good faith. As a result, despite the Union's best efforts we have been unsuccessful in coming to an agreement that would protect our Members' earning ability, their health and safety and their quality of life.

Lock Out Protocols

August 20, 2024 - "The Company agrees to provide all TCRC-represented employees with clear and timely communication regarding the shutdown procedures, including the last train order time, taxi arrangements, and any instructions for the lockout period."

Emergency Health Benefits

August 20, 2024 - Another update is to provide information regarding emergency health benefits during the work stoppage. As you should know, all health benefits currently in place with the carriers will cease during this time. As a result, emergency health benefits have been secured and are attached below. It must be understood these benefits apply to emergency care only, which includes dental and major medical coverage. The claim form is also attached, or alternatively available by contacting a local Division Officer.


August 18, 2024 - We are writing to inform you that your bargaining committee was served 72 hours notice that CN will be locking out all running trades TCRC Members. This means that at 0001 on Thursday morning, if we cannot reach a tentative agreement, the Company will utilize their rights under the Canada Labour Code to remove our ability to come to work and earn a living.

CIRB Decision 

August 9, 2024 - The Canadian Industrial Relations Board has released their decision regarding the Minister of Labour’s referral of maintenance of activities agreements between the TCRC and CN and CPKC.

Update- All CN & CPKC Members

July 31, 2024 - The following is a brief update on National negotiations, and what to prepare for in the coming days leading to August 9th.  

Teamsters Vote To Reauthorize Strikes At CN And CPKC

Laval, QC, June 29, 2024 - The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) today announced that close to 10,000 workers at CN and CPKC have voted to reauthorize strikes at both companies, if negotiated settlements cannot be reached.

Negotiations Update #6

June 7th 2024 - The employer's actions throughout the process demonstrate more and more clearly that CN has no intention of reaching a negotiated agreement with the union. In fact, CN seems to be trying by all means to remove the union's right to strike and instead rely on an arbitration process instead of taking its responsibilities and negotiate in good faith.

CN and CPKC Reject Offer to Stagger Negotiations

Ottawa, June 7, 2024 – Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) rejected a proposal from the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) to stagger negotiations with both companies by two weeks. The move would avoid simultaneous work stoppages at CN and CPKC, significantly reducing the economic impacts from any disruptions to the supply chain from a strike or lock out.

Negotiations Update #5

May 17th 2024 - We met with the Company from May 13th to 17th, 2024. During this round of bargaining the Company has remained unreasonable and has continued to refuse to bargain our demands. As you are aware the Company publicized their latest offer, an offer that decimates your collective agreements and compromises your safety in favour of operational ease and profits. They have continued to table offers that remove hard fought for work rules, renege on recently significant achievements, and place your health, wellness, and safety in jeopardy.

All TCRC Members

May 11th 2024 - As an update on next steps, we have previously outlined the timeline involved in the Canada Labour Code regarding the collective bargaining process. On April 30th the conciliation phase concluded and was not extended. This means the parties have begun the 21 day “cooling off” period, however in reality that is not an accurate description of what will be transpiring. 

NDP Calls On The Government To Support Rail Workers  

May 3rd 2024 - The rail workers have raised serious concerns that must be addressed. It’s troubling that Canada’s two largest railways seem to be collaborating to undermine longstanding collective agreements. The safety of workers, communities and the environment are at stake in these negotiations.

A message from Seamus O'Regan 

May 3rd 2024 - A message from Seamus O'Regan to unions and employers on a possible work stoppage at CN and CPKC Rail.

All TCRC Members

May 2nd 2024 - As an update on next steps, we have previously outlined the timeline involved in the Canada Labour Code regarding the collective bargaining process. On April 30th the conciliation phase concluded and was not extended. This means the parties have begun the 21 day “cooling off” period, however in reality that is not an accurate description of what will be transpiring. 

Teamsters Canada Announces Results Of Rail Strike Votes 

May 1st 2024 - The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) holds a news conference in Ottawa to announce the results of strike votes at Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC).

Strike Vote Results

May 1st 2024 - The strike vote at CN and CPKC concluded today at noon and the results are :Overall % of return for the 3 bargaining units : 98%

Negotiations Update #4

March 28th 2024 - As we mentioned in our previous communication, agents from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service were appointed to assist the parties in the context of our negotiations with Canadian National. Meetings took place in their presence during the week of March 18th and 25th.

Work Stoppage - Earliest Date

March 8th 2024 - This letter is to inform you that I have miscalculated the 81-day period of this process. The confirmed earliest date that a work stoppage can occur is 00:01 on May 22nd of this year.

Letter #2 - All TCRC Members

March 1st 2024 - This update is further to the membership letter sent February 19th, 2024 on behalf of the 3 Bargaining Committees currently in active negotiations (Running Trade members at CPKC and CN, Rail Traffic Controllers at CPKC). In that update we reported the state of negotiations and that we were awaiting the appointment of Conciliation Officers due to the concerted efforts of both carriers.

CPKC and CN served Notice of Dispute

As you are likely aware the TCRC is in an unprecedented position of having 3 major Collective Agreements expire on December 31st, 2023 (Running Trade members at CPKC and CN, Rail Traffic Controllers at CPKC). All three bargaining committees commenced negotiation talks in the fall and have continued to make every good faith effort to attain agreement(s) that the membership would ratify. Unfortunately, it has become very clear that the carriers do not have that same objective.

Negotiations Update #3

Your bargaining committee resumed negotiations with the Company from December 5th through December 14th, 2023. The Company remains steadfast in their desire to make drastic changes to our current Collective Agreements. Our obligation is to preserve our longstanding and hard-fought history and make improvements to all our Agreements.

Negotiations Update #2

On November 27 through to December 1, 2023, the Bargaining committee met with Canadian National Railways and commenced negotiations in Montreal.

Negotiations Update #1

October 19, 2023 - Further to the Union serving notice to bargain to Canadian National Railway, your bargaining committee met in Montreal this week to discuss bargaining demands and strategy.