
August 18, 2024 

Brothers and Sisters,

We are writing to inform you that your bargaining committee was served 72 hours notice that CN will be locking out all running trades TCRC Members. This means that at 0001 on Thursday morning, if we cannot reach a tentative agreement, the Company will utilize their rights under the Canada Labour Code to remove our ability to come to work and earn a living.

Specific questions can be directed to your local division executives, but you can expect the same requirements as if we were on strike, with minor changes to signage amongst other things. Furthermore, as in other tenuous rounds of bargaining we have secured Emergency benefits. Information regarding those benefits will be released in very short order.

As this situation at the bargaining table develops, we will keep you all as informed as possible in the coming days.

PDF copy of this letter.

In Solidarity,

Mark Kernaghan  
General Chair                                                            
TCRC Central LE

Jean-Michel Hallé 
General Chair                                                            
TCRC Lines East LE

KC James 
General Chair                                                           

Jim Lennie
General Chair                                                            
TCRC Central CTY

Ray Donegan
General Chair                                                            

Alain Gatien
General Chair                                                           
TCRC Lines East CTY