March 28,
Dear members,
As we mentioned in our previous communication, agents from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service were appointed to assist the parties in the context of our negotiations with Canadian National. Meetings took place in their presence during the week of March 18th and 25th.
For the moment, we unfortunately cannot report any progress in the discussions. CN only seems to stick to its unrealistic proposal and systematically refuses to discuss the demands of the union members. CN even took the initiative, on two occasions, to communicate information regarding its proposal directly to the union members. It should be noted that the employer was careful not to describe all the radical changes it seeks to obtain, which would destroy the collective agreements and therefore your working conditions.
This information, even though incomplete and misleading, constitutes in the union’s view, a clear example of bargaining in bad faith and unfair labour practices which are prohibited by the Canada Labor Code. Although the union indicated its disagreement on more than one occasion, CN still went ahead with its unfair tactics. To this end, the union filed an official complaint with the Canada Industrial Relations Board today.
The next scheduled meetings in the presence of the federal conciliation and mediation service are scheduled for April 10th, 11th, 12th, 29th and 30th and then during the week of May 13th and 20th thereafter. The union remains available and willing to negotiate in good faith with the employer, but we are certainly not ready to eliminate the working conditions that have been negotiated over the past 100 years.
A vote to grant a strike mandate to the union will be held from April 8th to May 1st . This mandate will allow the union to call a strike in the event that it becomes necessary. You will understand the importance for the union to receive a strong mandate from you to demonstrate your determination in obtaining the contract you deserve.
We thank you for your patience and support during this process. We will provide further updates as the situation evolves.
In Solidarity,
Mark Kernaghan
General Chair
Central LE
Jean-Michel Hallé
General Chair
TCRC Lines East LE
KC James
General Chair
Jim Lennie
General Chair
Central CTY
Ray Donegan
General Chair
Alain Gatien
General Chair
TCRC Lines
East CTY